Friday, December 30, 2011

just thought i´d show off her christmas decorations. she´s so beautiful all decked out for the holidays.

raindancer decked out in her christmas regallia

one of the boats in the marina

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

ok, here i am again. we had a very quiet, lovely christmas, hope yours was as good and peaceful. things are quiet in the marina this time of year, lots of people are spending the holidays in the states and canada. not too many gatherings, just a simple appetizer/dessert christmas thing and nothing so far for new years. guess we will spend it just the two of us. maybe have a drink before bed to toast the new year. bedtime is about 9 or 10. i guess we are not the normal cruisers, cuz we really don´t do much drinking any more. maybe a beer now and then with friends,( i usually skip the beer and have a mixed drink or a margarita). i do love a good margarita. our friends on big wonderful got back to la paz last week and had a good time swimming with the giant mantas in the socorro islands. they took some great underwater videos. we watched them last night. i don´t think that is my calling. i think i will stick with whale sharks, they like people. lol.

took the dogs to the vet and got their shots updated. daisy and maggie also got hormone shots. they are in great health and the vet was surprised at how good their teeth were. look ma, no cavities!!!! they sure are good dogs. i guess we got the right kind of dogs for our adventures. they are loving it as much as we are. who knew.

i decorated our boat for the holidays and guess i will be taking them down in a few more days. i love the lights on the boat. it makes it look so cheery when we have been gone for a while and come back after it is dark. i may leave them up til after the new year, if dan doesn´t object too much. i think he kinda likes them too. there are a few boats in the marina that put up lights and i like to walk up the dock every night and look at them. it is really the only thing that makes it feel like christmas. i guess if i had lived in florida or southern california, i would be used to the sun and 80 degree weather, but being from washington, i think of cold and wet this time of year. oh well, i have to admit, i love the warmth and the sun. beats the hell out of cold and wet. well, you all have a safe new years eve and a very happy new year. later.......

Sunday, December 25, 2011

WE WISH YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS, WE WISH YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR. hi, hope you all were visited by santa and he brought you lovely gifts. more later, busy, busy, busy. hugs