Saturday, May 22, 2010

andy. i don't have tim's phone number , but his company is called oceanautics inc. and his last name is sawyer. i hope this helps. did you make it to la paz for your vacation and how did you like it. i actually like ensenada better, but i did like la paz a lot. its kinda pricey and not too much to do. lots more to see and do here. take care, miss you guys rain
hi everyone, we are back from LaPaz. we had a great trip and it is really beautiful there. the sea of cortez is wonderfully warm and you can see all the way to the bottom, it is so clear. the malecon there wanders for a couple of miles along the waterfront. the trip down was a thrill a minute crisscrossing the mountains. the road is two lane and has no shoulder and just a few guard rails. alice on our dock said it was a spiritual drive and we had to agree. we prayed all the way that we wouldn't run out of gas, have a flat tire or any car problems, and had plenty of toilet paper with us. but the scenery was awesome. i didn't know there were so many types of cactus. one of which is like a tree and only grows in baja sur. it was in full bloom and the whole trunk was flowering . all of the cacti were in bloom and it's amazing how colorful they are. we did check out the marina's and found out that we have paid for a month from last year. we didn't make it with the baja ha ha cuz i ended up in the hospital and i had already made our reservations at palmera marina- i had called and told them we wouldn't be there and figured we had just lost the deposit. wow, what a bonus so we will be staying there for the first month, november, i hope. After the first month, we are not sure where we will be. maybe at marina de la paz or maybe just anchored in one of the beautiful coves we saw on our trip. secluded, white sandy beaches, sounds like a dream, huh. we stayed in some really nice hotels and a couple of over priced ones, but managed to enjoy ourselves in the pool, laying in the sun and eating really good food. i had a margarita night, oops. was swimming in the hot sun and drinking margaritas in fish bowls enjoying myself a lot. we decided to go to a gringo bar down the river and i of course had a couple more margaritas there. did a little pirouete off the bar stool and landed on my head, ow. a little later, i was exiting the bano and fell and hit the other side of my head on the cement step, put a little gash that bled like a sunny gun. the bartender got dan and luckily there was a doctor there, a vet, but still a dr of sorts and he stopped the bleeding and put a couple of bandaids on it. what a dodo. for anyone that cares, i have given up margaritas, which makes dan happy. he's tired of me being the entertainment. lol we got back last monday and have finally rested up. the trip itself was very tiring. too much time in a car, even tho we stopped as often as possible. it was over 800 miles each way and lyle is a good driver, but my body is getting too old for that kind of traveling. we went with lyle and karoline from there motor vessel, oasis, in their van. lyle drove and dan was the navigator. karoline and i sat in the back seats and took pictures. as soon as i figure out how to post them, i will put them up. lots more to write, but this feels pretty windy so i am signing off for tonight. love and hugs to all till next time.