Friday, April 23, 2010


sorry i haven´t updated for so long, but we´ve been doing a lot of things, and nothing really worth posting. we did go up to chatsworth to my nephew´s and dropped off the dogs for a mini vacation to vegas. we stayed for 4 nights and had a really good time. the dogs got along pretty well with david´s four dogs but maggie stayed under his truck for the first day and night. finally she decided to join in the fun and got back to her normal friendly self. i think she thought we had abandoned her. david said one of his dogs mothered them all, so she must have felt safe.

we are planning a trip to La Paz around may 10th. a bunch of us are going to caravan down in the cars and take our time, probably 3 days down and stay for 3 days then head back up to ensendada. we want to check out the marinas there to see which one we want to stay at when we take the boats down in october. some of the cruisers who have driven down say it´s a wonderful drive and the country is beautiful. i can hardly wait. we will be going with Lyle and Karoline from ¨Oasis¨ and Paul and Rebecca from ¨Rendezvous¨ and hopefully, Beth and Gary from ¨Fun in the sun¨. i wish you all could meet these people, they are so great and so much fun to be with.

I´ve had a bout of ¨Moctezuma´s Revenge for the last few days and haven´t ventured too far from the bano, but things are looking better today. i have been getting my vegetables fresh from the vegetable lady at la vendemia every thursday night and i forgot to wash them in microdyne before i ate them and i think that´s what got me. we need to soak all our fresh vegetables and most of the fruit in this stuff because they don´t have the department of agriculture to make sure everything is without germs. they use a different kind of fertilizer [probably straight from the cow!]. any way things are solidifying today and i feel much better.

we got a new anchor for the boat and it arrived today, so we are going to put it on and take the old one off and use it for a spare. the new one is heavier and will hold the boat at anchor a lot better than the smaller one and we won´t drift. it´s just safer. any way that´s what we are up to today.

guess that´s about all that´s new with us. most days it´s just sameo sameo, but definitely not boring. if we get tired of the boat, we just jump in the car and go somewhere. we went to la bufadora [the blow hole]. it´s a local tourist trap with the ocean spray shooting up to 60 feet or more. you can get pretty wet, but it is awesome to see. the power of the ocean is so phenomenal, you don´t really realize it until you see something like that. amazing!

that´s it for today, i´ll try harder to update more often, but you know retirement is just so busy! love to you all, think of us when you are cold. hugs