Friday, January 29, 2010

hi everyone. greetings again from ensenada. yup, we're still here. andy, i think we are going to watch super bowl at TJ's here in ensenada. doesn't look like we will be in LaPaz for at least another month or so. we have a few more things to do to the boat before we leave and dan has to go to san diego to west marine for parts. betty, was good to hear from you. sorry we didn't get to see you before we left, but things were very hectic for the last couple of days. keep in touch and we'll do the same.

dan and i went into town last sunday for a few groceries and stopped at TJ's for a couple of Bufadora beers. i had a cold and after a couple of beers, decided to take a couple of cold tablets with a shot of Don Peron tequila then a couple more beers. Bufadora is 7.9 alcohol so is very potent. i woke up Monday morning with a black eye and a big lump on my forehead. when i went to the bathroom, the floor came up to say hi to my face. now i have two black eyes and a bruised nose, but it's not so purple any more and it doesn't hurt to look in the mirror. everyone in the marina thinks it's pretty funny so i have managed to make a lot of people laugh. seems like everyone has done the same thing at one time or another. lol

our neighbor, terry on the s/v Sunnyside, is helping dan run the wires for the SSB and the internet connection today. it will be nice to have internet when we are away from the dock or in a cove that doesn't have i-net connection. our weather has turned sunny and warm again. we have had more rain in the last month then they have had in years down here and being from washington, you know who they are blaming. lol

ok, i guess that's enough for today. be safe, stay healthy and have fun. love to all hugs

Friday, January 15, 2010

buenos tardes mi amigos.

not much different happening here. we are having a cold front coming in, so the weather is not doing it's usual sun shine thing. we are just hanging out on the good ship Raindancer and watching tv. i had my first massage today. omg, what have i been missing all my life? my advise to any one who has never had one, go now, don't wait. it is the most relaxing thing i have ever done. i could get very, very used to this. the cost was $36.00 for a full body massage that lasted about 30 wonderful minutes. after she was done, she said to lay there and relax for 5 minutes and i fell asleep for 10. lol

we are going into town one of these days to the movies to see Avatar. everyone says it is so good, we have to see for ourselves. victor and andre' went to see it first in english, but not in 3D, so they went again to see it in spanish and 3D. we found a theater that is playing it in english and 3D so we are going there. it is way out of town by the big box stores and will probably cost $10 for the cab ride, but oh well, i want the full meal deal!

we are still planning on leaving ensenada in the near future, but right now we are waiting for a good weather window. so far the prediction is wet and windy for the next week. high wind waves are not in our favor, so we will wait it out. we are paid up here thru the 10th of feb., but plan on leaving before then. we are both anxious to get back out on the water and get south before spring, so we can acclimatize before the summer heat in LaPaz. plus we are looking forward to seeing Andy and Candy from Chinook Landing Marina in Tacoma, in Feb. hi guys.

Dan says he can't think of anything else to add so i'll close this for today and end with the usual, take care, stay healthy and love to all. hugs

Friday, January 1, 2010

happy 2010 everyone. hope your new years eve was happy and everyone was safe. we had a little get together at the end of our dock and had a nice time with fireworks and the whole schmere. had a good time and was home by 10:30. time has a different meaning here. we went into town and walked about 5 or 6 miles all over the downtown area and out towards the big box stores. we are doing a lot of walking and it is really helping the lax muscles we have developed over the last 5 years of setting around the house. it feels really good. town here is much different than up in the states and you must watch your footing very carefully, but it is interesting and very colorful. the street vendors are everywhere and bug you to buy their wares, but are not too obnoxious about it. the restaurants are inexpensive and the food is awesome.

As soon as Dan has the SSB radio all hooked up, i think we will be heading south. we are getting anxious to get along with our voyage. it is so beautiful here, it is hard to leave, but time moves on and so should we. the dogs are doing well and we take them down to the beach for a run and a swim. its amazing that they like to swim here, but hated it at home. maybe the water temperature has something to do with that, but they love the water now.

Not much else to report. hope you like some of the pictures i have posted. oh yeah, itś the first of january and i am wearing a tank top and shorts. the weather is absolutely gorgeous and about 70 degrees, not a cloud in the sky and itś suppose to be like this for a least another week. love to all hugs